
Simplify Your Spiritual Life: Spiritual Disciplines for the Overwhelmed is unavailable, but you can change that!

Are you overwhelmed by the weight of the world? Let’s face it—we live in complexity. Technology multiplies daily, and with it, our pace increases. Surrounded by driving forces, it’s no wonder our spiritual lives take a hit. But if the weight of the world is hindering your walk with the Lord, maybe now’s the time to step back and evaluate. Life on earth was less hectic in Jesus’ time. He faced...

NOT ONLY HAVE MOST PEOPLE ON THE PLANET NEVER HEARD THE good news of Christian spirituality, I am doubtful whether many churchgoers have even heard it clearly presented. And some who have heard it thousands of times are tentative when asked about it. Christian spirituality begins with one of the most important words in the Bible. That word is gospel, which is the English translation of the New Testament Greek word that literally means “good news.” But
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